Common Questions
What do you charge?
My starting rates are $85 an hour.
That's too expensive, I can't afford it.
You can't, not afford it. You are going to be worse off if you don't get healthy and fit. If you go with a cheaper trainer who doesn't have injury knowledge they may be able to help you get fit in the short term but they won't be able to help you work around your injury {when you do get injured or strained, and this is a when not if}. They won't help your injury to get better, and have less pain. I can teach you how to stretch to make your workout more effective and help you get fit for the long run with skills to guide you. How much does a Physical Therapist cost? Or a day off of work? How much is it to pay a doctor out of pocket? I am a cost that is a prevention method. By having a Personal Trainer gaining strength and rehabilitating your injury you are preventing future injuries. You are preventing future pain. Future time away from loved ones. Away from doing things you enjoy. Away from rehabilitating on the couch and on muscle relaxers waiting to get back outside and on your mountain bike, or able to go for a jog. You can't not afford to hire someone, just like me, to help you live the life you deserve to be living to be the best you that you can be in this life you are given.
I've been to Physical Therapy and I'm not better. I've resigned myself to just have a certain level of pain forever.
You don't have to be in pain! A physical therapist only has so much time to spend with a client to show them exercises and what you have to do and why you have to do it. The benefit of working with me is I can take everything the physical therapist said and expand on it and help you understand the causes and benefits of the exercises. Let's be honest, if you work with me 3 times a week I will be there helping you to do these exercises so that you DO get stronger and your injury DOES get better. The number #1 reason that physical therapy does not work is because people stop doing their exercises. The reason I can help you get healthy and strong and fit is because I can help you find your own specific motivation to why you want to get healthy, get stronger, be pain and injury free. I can help you clarify your health and fitness goals. I can help you stay compliant to what that goal is.
If you can be honest with yourself that your goals aren't clear, that you don't believe you can get healthy, and/or pain free from your injuries I can show you and prove to you that you can. But only if you want it. The number one reason people aren't healthy is because they don't do fitness on a regular basis because they aren't compliant to themselves and they need someone else, or something else to hold them accountable. I can be that person. Non-judgmental, supportive, encouraging and understanding I will not let you slide into being the you that you don't want to be. I am here to help you be the person you know you are and can be.
I don't have the time to work out.
Do you have the time to be laid up with your back out on muscle relaxers? or time to visit the doctor? or the chiropractor? or to go through surgery and to recover from surgery? So much physical pain can be treated, alleviated just by consistently doing simple exercises. You do have the time and you are worth the time to make for yourself and for those that care about you. There are 24 hours in a day. How do you use those 24 hours?
It's hard
Yes. It is. It's hard, but it's worth it. And it gets easier. And then you are pain free and you have more confidence and you can do more things. You can take care of more things yourself. You have more enjoyment in life. Or if you are a parent, you can pick up your toddler and not throw your back out. Fitness is a quality of life issue. If you choose to work with me your quality of life improves.
Everyone knows that Health Insurance costs are out of control.
So then, take responsibility for your own personal health to control health costs. If you are healthy then you are not going to be as sick when you get sick. Your immune system is stronger so you recover faster. The alternative is if you have a sore back or a sore anything, that effects how you move which then effects your digestive system because of the stress of how you are moving incorrectly so you will have possible digestive issues and stress related issues because you already had stress so it is heightened and then the havoc that plays on your heart and lungs.
I'm not ready
Why are you not ready? Financial reasons? Time? Are you currently in pain? How much time do you lost being in pain and not being able to do what you need or have to do in your life? How much time do you lose not being able to do thing you want to do? If it's money contact your doctor and see a Physical Therapist and don't stop the exercises that they tell you to do. Ever. Continue them 3-5 times a week. If you are not emotionally ready, if it feels too scary, if you give me an hour I can demonstrate that it doesn't have to be. We can start out small.
Your fitness is up to you. Individuals respond to being held responsible for their actions. Your best results will be if you hire me 3 times a week{or more}. This yields the best results for weight loss, strength, mobility etc. I have special packages based on this because my ultimate desire is for individuals who really want to get fit to be able to. If you are only able to sign up for 1 - 2 sessions a week be prepared that it is going to take you longer to reach your goals, to get and stay fit, to stay motivated,. It's like taking a medicine 1 to 2 times a week and hoping it will last all week long, taking it more often is going to yield better results.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. [email protected] or call 925.639.0988 I am dedicated to your fitness and well being!